Protocol proposals

Storage Layer Use this category for anything related to proposing changes to Iron Fish data models, e.g. making any changes to the global Merkle Tree, Block Header structure, and so on. Networking layer Use this category to discuss anything related to the Iron Fish networking layer specifications, e.g. changing message formatting, propagation optimizations, and so on. Transaction Creation Use this category for anything related to Transactions, or any parts of the Transaction including all Descriptions and cryptography related to the privacy preserving nature of Iron Fish. Account Creation Use this category for anything related to account creation or key creation. Mining / Block production Use this category for anything related to block production. Discussions around changing the hashing algorithm for Iron Fish, or even switching form PoW entirely, should go here. Consensus For discussions to anything related to consensus parameters of Iron Fish. Examples of these are: discussing changing block time target, difficulty calculations, confirmation time, and so on.
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 226 June 12, 2023
1 137 February 15, 2024
1 214 February 9, 2024
3 224 February 7, 2024
1 1159 December 8, 2023
6 359 August 11, 2023
5 331 August 9, 2023
42 964 August 3, 2023
7 294 July 20, 2023