About the Protocol proposals category

Use this category for any proposals to update the Iron Fish protocol.
Sub-categories for this category are:

  • Networking Layer
    • For anything related to the networking layer, e.g. changing message formatting, propagation optimizations, and so on
  • Storage Layer
    • For anything related to the data models, e.g. updates to the global state like the global Merkle tree of Notes
  • Account Creation
    • For anything related to account creation or key creation
  • Transaction Creation
    • For anything related to Transactions, or any parts of the Transaction including all cryptography related to the privacy preserving nature of Iron Fish.
  • Mining / Block production
    • For anything related to block production, for instance discussing mining or hashing algorithms.
  • Consensus
    • Anything related to consensus parameters of Iron Fish (e.g. block time target, difficulty calculation, etc)